Advances in Smart Systems Research

Publisher: Future Technology Publications

Vol. 2 No. 1: 2012

Journal ISSN: 2050-8662

Date: 31-Dec-11

Remarks: Paper in this volume were presented at Work in Progress workshops at KES conferences.


Text Mining in Bioinformatics by Software Agents
Hadee Faiiazee

1 - 6 

Noise reduction in speech signals using a cochlear model
Mladen Russo, Maja Stella, Nikola Rozic

7 - 12 

Computerized decision support systems for breast cancer management: project design
Ricardo Gonzalez Otal, Jose Luis Lopez Guerra, Carlos Luis Parra Calderon, Alberto Moreno Conde, Maria Jose Ortiz Gordillo

13 - 20 

Scalability analysis of lter-based methods for feature selection
Diego Peteiro-Barral, Veronica Bolon-Canedo, Amparo Alonso-Betanzos, Bertha Guijarro-Berdinas, Noelia Sanchez-Maroono

21 - 26 

Combining lexical and structure-based methods to align clinical archetypes to SNOMED CT
J.L. Allones, M. Meizoso, M. Taboada, D. Martinez, S. Tellado

27 - 32