InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact

Publisher Future Technology Press
Vol. 7 No. 2 KES Transactions on SDM I - Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2014
Volume Editors KES International
Journal ISSN 2051-6002
Article TitleError Detection and Correction Methodology for Laser Milling Processes on Biocompatible Ceramic Materials
Primary AuthorIņigo Llanos, IK4-Ideko (Spain)
Other Author(s) Amaia Agirre; Harkaitz Urreta
Pages 574 - 582
Article ID sdm14-044
Publication Date 01-May-16
AbstractThis paper shows the work done on the correction of laser milled geometries on biocompatible ceramic material for medical prostheses. After the exposition of the error detection and correction methodology to be followed after the machining of a geometrical feature, the experimental procedure for the application of the methodology is detailed. Finally, the obtained results are exposed and discussed. The results show that the error detection methodology is able to properly identify the defective zones and define a laser milling process for their correction, in order to obtain a geometry within the defined tolerances in comparison to the theoretical one.

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