InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact

Publisher Future Technology Press
Vol. 8 No. 2 KES Transactions on SDM II - Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2015
Volume Editors KES International
Journal ISSN 2051-6002
Article TitleExploring Connections between Lean and Sustainability - A Systematic Literature Review
Primary AuthorAnne Touboulic, Cardiff Business School
Other Author(s) Claire Biggs; Helen Walker; Zoe Radnor
Pages 133 - 144
Article ID sdm15-039
Publication Date 02-May-16

Since 1998, a body of work has been developing relating to the possibility of overlaps between lean manufacturing and organisations’ efforts to become more sustainable (in terms of environmental, social and economic performance – or some combination of these). We feel it is time for a review of these works, both to understand the “landscape” (e.g. trends in publishing on the subject and sub-areas that have or have not received attention) and to explore the lean and sustainability connection. This paper introduces the two subject areas whose intersection we plan to investigate, and explains how the systematic literature search was carried out. We then discuss the trends and the answers to our research questions; we find that there are many definitions for each of our subjects, and that most papers do not rely on a theoretical “lens”. Motivations for integration are many but most commonly cited are the better outcomes from lean, green, social, customer and other stakeholder’s perspectives. This field shows plenty of scope for further work, including a need for more empirical studies.

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Remarks Paper presented at KES International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, 12-14 April 2015
First date of publication in InImpact: 1 December 2015