InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact

Publisher Future Technology Press
Vol. 8 No. 2 KES Transactions on SDM II - Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2015
Volume Editors KES International
Journal ISSN 2051-6002
Article TitleProduct change management: The through-life impact of diverging designs within product fleets
Primary AuthorPaul Prickett, Cardiff School of Engineering
Other Author(s) Ashley Morris; Rossi Setchi
Pages 95 - 106
Article ID sdm15-004
Publication Date 02-May-16

The designs of high-value, long-life products such as aircraft, trains and industrial plant continually evolve, both at the time of manufacture but also during their operating lives. Such products are invariably managed in complex multi-stakeholder environments where the product change process spans a number of organisations. It is clearly important that regulatory systems are able to monitor that the design integrity established when a product is first created is maintained through-life. The purpose of this paper is to assess the challenges to maintaining design integrity throughout the product lifecycle. Discussions with a number of organisations undertaken by the authors have indicated that managing product information in the context of the product change process continues to be problematic. There is a fundamental need to improve the alignment between through-life design management processes, information technology and the management models used to guide decision making. To quantify the challenges currently being experienced a mathematical model has been developed to support investigations into the level and impact of design changes that have been reported by engineers in industry.

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Remarks Paper presented at KES International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, 12-14 April 2015
First date of publication in InImpact: 1 December 2015