InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact

Publisher Future Technology Press
Vol. 7 No. 2 KES Transactions on SDM I - Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2014
Volume Editors KES International
Journal ISSN 2051-6002
Article TitleTool wear monitoring and prediction in micro milling process for medical applications. Experimental analysis and characterization of tool wear for titanium materials
Primary AuthorAntoni Barceló, Leuphana University
Other Author(s) Romário Guimarães; Thomas Wagner; Anthimos Georgiadis
Pages 606 - 617
Article ID sdm14-062
Publication Date 01-May-16
AbstractAbstract: The detection and prediction of tool wear within micro manufacturing processes is very important in order to develop automatic systems for the reduction of defects to zero. The “in process” precision measurements of the tool wear in micro milling are very challenging. In this work, we present a method for establishing a relationship between the cutting forces and the tool wear based on signal process analysis. The reference milling is used for the development of signal patterns for the tool wear under well-known conditions. In process the cutting force’s signals show a strong correlation with the tool wear (Tool wear experimental function). Based on this dependence, the tool wear for the consecutive next work piece can be predicted. In the next step of these investigations wavelets will be used for the signal analysis in order to increase the sensitivity of the method.
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