InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact

Publisher Future Technology Press
Vol. 7 No. 2 KES Transactions on SDM I - Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2014
Volume Editors KES International
Journal ISSN 2051-6002
Article TitleA Binary Particle Swarm Optimization (BPSO) algorithm to solve a reverse logistics supply chain problem
Primary AuthorErnesto Santibanez-Gonzalez, Federal University of Ouro Preto (Brazil)
Other Author(s) Jairo Montoya-Torres; Luisa Huaccho Huatuco
Pages 524 - 535
Article ID sdm14-083
Publication Date 01-May-16
AbstractAbstract The design of a reverse logistics supply chain is a complex problem and is still relatively unexplored and underdeveloped. We propose a binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO)-based scheme for solving a NP-hard reverse logistics supply chain design problem. The algorithm combines a traditional stochastic search with an optimal solution method for solving to optimality a relaxed linear programming (LP) model. We divide the swarm into two elementary groups. The first swarm group guides the search for the best location of remanufacturing facilities, while the second swarm group defines the optimal flows between the facilities. We solve to optimality, a relaxed linear problem is obtained from the original problem and then we project the solution into the swarm space. This approach was validated using different data sets (instances) randomly generated with up to 350 sourcing facilities, 100 candidate sites for locating reprocessing facilities and 40 remanufacturing facilities. The results regarding experimental approximability of proposed heuristic versus the optimal solution are very promising, as well as their computation times.
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