InImpact: The Journal of Innovation Impact

Publisher Future Technology Press
Vol. 6 No. 1 Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare 2013
Volume Editors KES International
Journal ISSN 2051-6002
Article TitleVisual saliency maps for studies of behavior of patients with neurodegenerative diseases: Observer's versus Actor's points of view
Primary AuthorHugo Boujut, Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI)
Other Author(s) Vincent Buso; Jenny Benois-Pineau; Yann Gaestel; Jean-Francois Dartigues
Pages 74 - 78
Article ID imed13-024
Publication Date 20-Oct-13

We are interested in finding the relation between the visual saliency maps of the viewer of visual content and the actors (person executing the actions) in the context of studies of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. From results of eye-trackers worn by the actors and used when recording observers, and on the basis of hand-eye interactions from motor control studies we established a time shift between actor's amd viewer's saliency maps. The time shift corresponds to the latency of hand-eye interaction. Thr method is based on adequate normalisation of saliency maps and computation of similarity metrics for pixel based saliency. This finding gives good perspectives for automatic prediction of a normal actor saliency map from observer saliency map.

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