Advances in Smart Systems Research

Publisher Future Technology Publications
Vol. 6 No. 1 Workshop Papers from KES Smart Digital Futures 2017
Journal ISSN 2050-8662
Article TitleA framework for knowledge creation based on M2M systems for the creation of flexible training environments for specific concepts in control
Primary AuthorFredy Martinez, District University Francisco Jose de Caldas
Other Author(s) Angelica Rendon; Pedro Guevara
Pages 36 - 43
Article ID seel17-041
Publication Date 02-Nov-17
AbstractThis paper presents the strategies and technological tools used to design a framework for knowledge creation for the course 'Analysis of Dynamic Systems' of undergraduate program at District University Francisco José de Caldas with using of active learning methods. The key feature of the course is the use of OpenRRArch (Open, Robust and Reliable Architecture for the control of autonomous agents). It is an architecture developed for the design of collective systems that embodies the principles of multi-agent distributed systems (robustness through high redundancy), open (hardware and software open-source), minimalist and easy integration (simple and identical agents). The purpose of this architecture is to allow the control of industrial processes using machine-to-machine (M2M) communication. This physical layer of the framework is integrated into a knowledge-building layer to form an active learning system. Results of the course implementation have shown a high level of students training and improvement of their professional skills.
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