Advances in Smart Systems Research

Publisher Future Technology Publications
Vol. 4 No. 1 Workshop Papers from KES Conferences 2014-15
Journal ISSN 2050-8662
Article TitleSupport Tool for Game Storming with Vision Sensor
Primary AuthorNoriyuki Kushiro, Kyushu Institute of Technology (Japan)
Other Author(s) Tatsuya Ehira
Pages 38 - 43
Article ID isrp15-010
Publication Date 07-Feb-16

A support tool for game storming is proposed in the paper. The tool is composed of a vision sensor with depth camera and projectors. The tool supports both conducing games and analyzing results of games by monitoring and recording deployments of sticky notes and players’ hands on a game board. A prototype of the support tool has been developed and feasibility is evaluated through examinations.

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Remarks This paper was presented at the 19th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2015), 7, 8 & 9 Sept. 2015, in Singapore.