Sustainability in Energy and Buildings: Research Advances ISSN 2054-3743

Publisher Future Technology Press
Vol. 4 Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2015 - Short Papers
Article TitlePost Graduate Energy Efficiency Services: an example of good practices
Primary AuthorDirk Franco, PXL University College
Pages 1 - 7
Article ID seb15s-002
Publication Date 05-Jan-16
AbstractThe debate on energy and sustainability is of main interest. Special attention and priority is continuously given to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses (GHG), in particular to avoid CO2 emission as this is an important aspect in global warming. The heating of buildings, both public and private, is a large energy end-user. It is obviously clear that besides energy reduction also energy efficiency as well as energy flexibility will need to be successful. One is only interested to perform sustainable investments if lower cost can be guaranteed, so together with new technologies, new business models must be developed. In addition the alternatives need to be faithfull and of high quality. Besides energy and environmental aspects Non Energy Benefits (NEB) are generated as well during energy efficiency processes, so there is a need to discuss and determine values and visions. The university college PXL has recently started an interdisciplinary postgraduate EES Energy Efficiency Services including three modules: iterative output driven energy efficiency services, project cycle costs and aspects of in- and external communication. There is a mixed partnership of public and private stakeholders. Let us hope that we can counter our environmental problems either with better application of existing technologies or by inventing new (applications of) clean technologies together with new business models.

Keywords: PXL University College, ESCo, Energy Efficiency Services

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