Sustainability in Energy and Buildings: Research Advances ISSN 2054-3743

Publisher Future Technology Press
Vol. 3 Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2014 - Short Papers
Article TitleOn the hygrothermal performance of straw bale wall elements in Belgium
Primary AuthorJelle Langmans, KU Leuven
Other Author(s) Alexis Versele; Staf Roels
Pages 37 - 42
Article ID seb14s-007
Publication Date 04-Jan-16
AbstractThe present article investigates the hygrothermal performance of straw bale walls in Belgian climate conditions. The first part presents measured Heat, Air and Moisture (HAM) properties of the corresponding construction materials (loam, straw and tras-lime mortar). The second part of the study verifies the hygric performance of the these construction elements based on transient numerical HAM-simulations on yearly basis. The simulation results demonstrate that the application of straw bale walls in Belgian climate conditions is vulnerable for high moisture contents and may result in mould growth during winter conditions.
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